Customer Emails feature released

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Following multiple requests, we’re happy to release a new feature called “Customer Emails”. It will be most beneficial to SSLreminder account owners who manage domain names on behalf of their customers.

The Customer Emails feature allows you to assign a customer email address to a tracked domain name so that the notification is also delivered to your customer. Let’s see how this works in practice below.

Please note there’s a Q&A section at the bottom to ensure we’ll cover everything that changes with this release.

Here’s how to use the Customer emails feature in a few simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the Notification preferences area of your SSLreminder account
  2. In the Customer email addresses section, add a new customer email
Using a customer email address. Step 1
Using a customer email address. Step 2
  1. In the list of domain names, select a domain name to allow a customer to receive a copy of the expiration reminder
Using a customer email address. Step 3
  1. Save the changes by clicking Update.



Q: Will my customers get the same-looking expiration notification email?

A: Yes, email notifications will look the same way as the regular individual expiration reminders

Q: Can my customers access my account using the links in the notification emails?

A: No, only the account holder can sign in to their SSLreminder account

Q: Does this work with Slack?

A: No, the new feature is only for email notifications

Q: If I opted for digest (daily summary) emails, will my customers receive individual notification emails?

A: In this case, the primary and all account-wide email addresses (as set under Notification preferences) will receive digest emails. Customers will receive individual notification emails but not digests.


If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with our friendly customer support using the contact form or [email protected].

Thank you for entrusting us with your SSL/TLS certificate monitoring! 🌎

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