Q: What email address is used to deliver reminder notifications?
A: Reminder emails are sent from [email protected]
Q: What IP address is used to check SSL/TLS certificates?
A: At the moment, we use a single IPv4 address:
Q: How often do you check certificates?
A: We check all domain names daily.
Q: Where can I find the account API documentation?
A: API documentation is available at https://api.sslreminder.pro.
Q: Can I deactivate some of the notifications?
A: Yes, it can be done by clicking on “Notification preferences” in the upper menu.
Q: How can I stop receiving reminders for specific domain names?
A: You can delete them from the system or reply with “stop” to the reminder email.
Q: How does the Digest email mode work?
A: More information on the “Digest email” feature can be found in this blog post
Q: How does the Customer emails feature work?
A: More information and a Q&A on the “Customer emails” feature can be found in this blog post
Q: How can I request a new feature?
A: Please get in touch with us at [email protected]
to submit your request, or click on “Contact us” above.